Consortia are a special form of cooperation between organisations with the same donor. These organisations come together as partners, operate within a single financial and reporting framework and share the same objectives. The general idea behind the formation of consortia is to reduce duplication of humanitarian services, increase the geographic coverage of interventions and share and complement existing expertise among the members. In Cox’s Bazar, disability-focused organisations joined consortia with international and national mainstream NGOs to strengthen their capacity on disability mainstreaming. Within these projects, disability-focused organisations offer technical support and training to other consortium members operating in different sectors (e.g. health, nutrition, WASH, education, protection) and across different camp areas. With support from HI, CBM and CDD, mainstream NGOs learn to collect and analyse disaggregated data, and how to use it for inclusive programming. Thanks to these consortia projects, some mainstream actors have successfully remodelled or rebuilt their service facilities and included persons with disabilities in their programmes. One women’s skill development centre, for example, offers training for women with and without disabilities, and children with disabilities benefit from inclusive learning materials and the removal of environmental barriers in learning facilities.