Please be aware that this is a past event.

The Humanitarian Congress Berlin is an international platform for exchanging information, experiences and ideas of humanitarian aid. Each year the Congress brings together experts from medical, humanitarian and international organisations, politics, media as well as a large number of students from different subject areas.

With around 700 participants and speakers from around the world in 2012, the Humanitarian Congress has established itself as an important forum in the world of humanitarian aid. The congress offers a unique mix of medical and political keynote speeches and debates. Besides that, a number of workshops inform about the most recent (medical and logistical) developments in humanitarian assistance.

This year’s main theme is “No access! Who cares? How to reach people in need“.

The two and a half day event will take place from 25 -27 October 2013 will open on Friday 25. October 2013 with a special evening session dedicated to photography and the representation of suffering in humanitarian crisis. The congress language is English. It is organised by Médecins Sans Frontières, Médecins du Monde, the German Red Cross, the Berlin Chamber of Physicians and the Charité Universitätsmedizin.

Discussion themes include:

· Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Perpetual Crisis

· Humanitarian Access and Strategies for the Protection of Civilians

· Health Risks through Extracting Industries

· Gaps in the Global Humanitarian System

· Health Care in War Zones

· Integration of Local Partners

· Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

· Views from the South on Humanitarian Aid

· Big Data: A Tool in Emergencies?

· Haiti: Where Did All the Money Go?

· Maternal and Infantile Health Care in Danger Zones

· Satellites and Drones in Emergencies

· Humanitarian Assistance in Home Societies

· New Actors and Values in Humanitarian Aid

· Working in High-Risk Security Settings

· Q&A with ‘First Missioners’ retuning from the field