Communicating with people affected by disaster – lessons from Nepal, May 5th, 2pm
20160505 - 20160505
Please be aware that this is a past event.
What is the role of communication in a humanitarian emergency? And how can humanitarian organisations better communicate with those affected by disaster?
This panel discussion explores these questions through a case study of the 2015 earthquake in Nepal.
The event will feature the release of a new report, ‘ARE YOU LISTENING NOW? Community Perspectives on Communicating with Communities efforts following the Nepal Earthquake Response’ from the CDAC Network, funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).
Panellists from City University London’s Department of Journalism, BBC Media Action, Internews, DFID, and the CDAC Network will discuss the findings and wider lessons of this research.
The event is organised by the Humanitarian News Research Network at City University London.
For further details download the event flyer or to register visit the event web page.