Please be aware that this is a past event.

In a global context where protection of civilians is being increasingly threatened and access to most-in-need populations contested, national, and international actors are bound to explore new interventions to meet those challenges: How to reduce violence against civilians, prevent forced displacements, and facilitate returns? How to engage with armed groups, state actors, and communities to increase acceptance and access in high-risk areas? How to prevent and decrease tensions between host and displaced communities in conflict contexts? How to facilitate inclusive dialogue processes to promote a greater participation of communities in project design, planning and implementation? How to foster accountability, promote constructive dialogue between international actors, and communities when disagreements arise?

Course summary

The aim of the Humanitarian Negotiation and Mediation course is to provide humanitarian aid workers and peacemakers working in conflict contexts with practical knowledge, tools and skills to design, plan, and conduct mediation and dialogue facilitation processes aimed at:

  • Preventing and/or mitigating episodes of violence,
  • Preventing forced displacement and facilitating voluntary returns.
  • Improving humanitarian access and the delivery of aid in hard-to-reach areas,
  • Enhancing respect for affected populations’ basic rights and International Humanitarian and Human Rights Laws.

The processes presented during the training will also be useful for personnel involved in protection mainstreaming and safe programming activities such as:

  • Participation and Community-based approaches,
  • Communication with beneficiaries and Community Engagement,
  • Accountability to Affected Population (AAP) processes,
  • Do No Harm.

Participants to previous sessions of the course reported that it is also very useful in their daily management of tensions arising between colleagues at work, at home with family members, and in their overall social life.

Mode of delivery:

  • The training draws on principles of adult education. It is mostly experiential and based on peer learning with a focus on the development of practical inter-personal skills and aptitudes,
  • 70% of the training is practical, participative, and involves skill-based exercises and role playing exercises,
  • No PowerPoint.

Course length:

  • 5 days (40 hours).
  • Follow up of the training, such as on the job coaching and mentoring and training of trainers will be available on demand.

Dates and location:

17th to 21st of June 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Award received:

NOHA Certificate


The course is designed for humanitarian aid workers with over 3 years of experience managing or involved in the following activities and programs:

  • Humanitarian aid delivery,
  • Humanitarian access / safety / security,
  • Protection,
  • Participatory approaches and Community development,
  • Communication with beneficiaries, accountability, and AAP,
  • Social cohesion, community-based protection, stabilization and peace building.

Civil personnel for the Department of Peace Keeping Operations (DPKO) involved in protection of civilians and civil affairs are also encouraged to apply.

Language of instruction:


Click the link under “Event information” to find out more and apply.