Stable Governance: Innovations for Security and Development
20140618 - 20140618
Please be aware that this is a past event.
The Governance Innovation in Security and Development (GISD) research team will conduct a program review of the support to the Governance sector on 18-19 June at Columbia University. We will limit to 20-30 participants. Experts in provision of essential services, particularly core service delivery, would be particularly helpful to map the boundaries, and when needed, essential skills that short-term military experts would need to support restoration of services and development of local capacity.
The GISD research project seeks solutions to the challenges of supporting governance in fragile environments. The research team investigates issues and trends in the stability sectors—social well-being, promotion of safe and secure environments, stable governance, rule of law, sustainable economies and infrastructure, and homeland integration—and the competencies needed when the military is called upon to support to civilians in those sectors.
If you would like to contribute, please RSVP with short bio by 26 May to Curtis Blais at
Questions? Contact Prof Karen Guttieri