HPN Coordinator Speaks with Antonio Donini

December 13, 2012
Humanitarian Practice Network

A podcast from HPN

In this podcast you can listen to HPN coordinator, Wendy Fenton, in discussion with the author of ‘The Golden Fleece,’ Antonio Donini. The author addresses some of the key questions covered in the book – most centrally whether it is inevitable that the aspirations of humanitarianism will always be subject to manipulation – be it for political, military or security reasons. 


Listen online


Download to your computer or device

The podcast is available for download in two formats:

  • M4A Enhanced (for chapter selection, dynamic artwork and higher quality audio)
  • MP3 (for greater compatibility and reduced file size)


Download a sample of the book

The first chapter of ‘The Golden Fleece’ by Antonio Donini is also available for download
courtesy of Kumarian Press.


Follow Wendy on Twitter @WendyFenton1


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