WCDRR side event: Incentives for investment
20150317 - 20150317
Please be aware that this is a past event.
Tom Mitchell, ODI
Swenja Surminski, LSE
Widening the benefits of DRM: From avoided losses to prosperity and co-benefits
Stephane Hallegatte, World Bank
Reducing background risk and unlocking innovation, growth and prosperity
Emily Wilkinson, ODI
Co-benefits of DRR investments
Reinhard Mechler, IIASA
Fiscal benefits of managing disaster risk
This event aims to change the debate on how to incentivize greater investment in DRR by devoting more attention to the wider benefits of DRR investments that occur independently of whether or not the disaster event occurs.
A lively panel session will draw on preliminary study findings of a report entitled 'Unlocking the triple dividend of resilience: why investing in disaster risk management pays off', by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), World Bank, GFDRR and partners.