Please be aware that this is a past event.

World Vision and Save the Children, in association with the Humanitarian Practice Network and the Sahel Working Group, invite you to discuss the findings of “Ending the Everyday Emergency“, a new report on the challenge of strengthening resilience in the Sahel.

The report builds on the ‘Breaking the Hunger Cycle’ report published by the Sahel Working Group in response to the 2010 crisis in the region, and this follow-up report analyses the unfolding crisis in 2012 and argues that, despite some progress, donors are falling short of the comprehensive resilience approach necessary for preventing future crises.

The launch event agenda includes:

Chair’s welcome and introduction (Wendy Fenton, Humanitarian Practice Network)

Presentation of main findings (Peter Gubbels, Groundswell International and report author, via video link from New York)

Discussants: Nick Martlew (Senior Conflict and Humanitarian Advocacy Adviser, Save the Children UK) and Maggie Ibrahim (Resilience Manager, World Vision UK)

Q&A and discussion

It will take place on Tuesday 17th July 14:00 -15:00 at World Vision’s London office in Victoria (directions below). If you are able to attend please RSVP to Madeleine Lawrence (

Directions to event location

World Vision UK’s London Office is just by Victoria Station and is located on the 5th floor of the Victoria Charity Centre, 11 Belgrave Road, London SW1V 1RB (formerly National School of Government). From Victoria national rail station exit by platform one which will bring you out onto Bridge Place. Turn right and walk past the Two Trees hotel and then left at the Passport Office into Belgrave Road. World Vision is located in the seven storey building 200 meters along the road on your left. You will be requested to sign in at reception.