Safeguarding children in emergencies, 18 April 2012, London
20120418 - 20120418
Please be aware that this is a past event.
Are aid agencies coordinating efforts for protecting children in large scale emergencies?
Join Keeping Children Safe on its 10th anniversary for topical presentations and a panel discussion on the successes and challenges of protecting children and keeping them safe from harm in large scale emergencies.
All children, whoever they are and wherever they are, have a right to be protected from harm and have their welfare promoted. While it has been known for some time that children are especially vulnerable to natural disasters and armed conflicts, we know that to protect children requires coordinated efforts amongst aid agencies and this is particularly so in large scale emergency response.
The speakers will present on the successes and challenges experienced in protecting children in the recent emergencies of the famine in the Horn of Africa, the Arab Spring and the Japanese tsunami.
Speakers include:
Katy Barnett, Child Protection Working Group Coordinator, UNICEF (Geneva)
Leila Fasseaux, Regional Child Protection Coordinator, Islamic Relief Worldwide
Richard Powell, Director Global Child Safeguarding, Save the Children
Places are limited so please email or call 0207 250 8365 to reserve a space and be sent further information.
Keeping Children Safe strives to increase the safeguards offered to children, through improved child safeguarding policies and practice within the agencies and authorities that work with children. Keeping Children Safe has 23 members from Europe, Africa and Asia. Since its inception in 2001 Keeping Children Safe tools and methods have been used in over 100 countries across the world.