Climate change presents a crisis beyond those that the existing humanitarian system has previously experienced, or is designed to address. It is already significantly increasing humanitarian needs, and the coming decade will see a transition to much higher levels of disaster impact than those we are currently seeing. Yet, there is limited understanding on what to do to adapt to climate disasters on the ground, and little relevant guidance for humanitarian practitioners.

Despite this, a number of organisations are experimenting with approaches designed to address the realities of climate change. Activities range along the disaster management spectrum, from reinforcing household and community resilience, through hazard-specific DRR activities related to humanitarian infrastructure, to preparedness and anticipatory response.

To this end, the 86th issue of the Humanitarian Exchange magazine will highlight lessons from climate-related programming from local, national and international organisations.

Join us during the first week of HNPW, with an online panel discussion with several of the authors from the issue.


  • Introduction: Kerrie Holloway, HPN/ODI Global
  • Chair: Paul Knox Clarke, Adapt Initiative
  • Mihir R. Bhatt, All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
  • Robert Burtscher, International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Lynn Chemtai Chestit, Womankind Kenya (WOKIKE)
  • Achyut Luitel, Duryog Nivaran

You can register for the session on the HNPW website, linked above.

Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks (HNPW) is an annual humanitarian conference, one of the largest events of its kind, that provides a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military, private sector initiatives, and Member States.