Evaluating Humanitarian Action workshop, Ottawa, 20th-22nd June 2016
20160620 - 20160622
Please be aware that this is a past event.
Evaluation of humanitarian action (EHA) is a challenging endeavor: how do you carry out effective and credible evaluations when access to affected people is constrained, when there are no baseline data, and/ or in the midst of a humanitarian crisis? How can evaluations contribute to improved agency practice that better serves those affected by the crisis? This three-day interactive workshop will introduce you to some of the latest thinking and good practice examples about how to do this. It is based on ALNAP’s ‘hot off the press’ new guide on ‘Evaluating Humanitarian Action’. The trainers are the co-authors of the guide, two of the most experienced humanitarian evaluators in the sector: Margie Buchanan-Smith and John Cosgrave.
The workshop will equip you to manage and conduct robust and ethical evaluations of humanitarian action, drawing on the trainers’ extensive experience and on the skills and experience of participants. ‘Real-life’ case studies of EHA will underpin the training.
The workshop will be held in Ottawa from 20th to 22nd June 2016, as part of the IPDET programme. You can participate in this workshop alone, or make a week of it and also participate in a 2-day workshop on ‘Evaluation, Development and Human Rights’ on June 23-24, or you can participate in all 4 weeks of the IPDET programme.
See http://ipdet.org for additional information on the full program and registration details.