The Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN) is a forum for people working in or on the humanitarian sector to share their knowledge and experience. It publishes short articles and more extensive papers and runs a resource website. The purpose is practical: to help individuals and organisations to learn from one another’s experience. HPN is run by the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG) at the ODI. The views and opinions expressed in HPN publications are, however, those of the contributing authors, who work for a wide range of organisations and institutions around the world. They do not necessarily state or reflect the views and opinions of HPG or ODI and may not be attributed to HPG or ODI.

HPN maintains editorial independence. It is supported by a broad funding base of institutional donors and NGOs. It is under no obligation to publish submissions from any individual, organisation or institution.

How to submit an article

In order to submit an article to HPN, we ask you to take the following steps:

  1. Sign up as an HPN member. The sign-up process is quick and simple and is required so we know who our authors are as well as their backgrounds and perspectives. Your information will not be shared publicly, and you may choose what information (e.g. contact information/biography) is visible to other Network members. As a minimum we will require your name, email address, job title/position and affiliation. You may also wish to provide a short biography and a profile photo, which will appear in the author biography section.
  2. Please submit a draft of your article or blog through the member section. This should be around 800 words for a blog and up to 2000 words for an article. For further details on format, style and word count see our Guideline for Authors.
  3. Once our editorial team has considered your submission we will contact you directly via email with feedback. There may be several rounds of revisions in order to meet our editorial standards.
  4. Once the article has been approved it will be published on and promoted via our social media channels. You may also want to consider contacting other HPN members to see if your work can be translated.